Registration at Tribunale di Palermo

no. 19 of 6 May 1991

ISSN 1120-4060 printed

ISSN 2280-3882 online

Bocconea 13


Bocconea 13 - 2001

Edited on behalf of Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo by Francesco M. Raimondo & Werner Greuter

Editorial board and staff

Editor: F. M. Raimondo

Associate editor: W. Greuter

Editorial management: L. Robba

Editorial assistance: C. Mineo, A. Natali

Editorial secretariat: E. Bonafede, A.M. Mannino

Design: G. Bazan, N. Surano

Printed by Luxograph, Piazza Bartolomeo da Messina 2/e - Palermo

March, 2001

ISBN 88-7915-011-1


Proceedings of the IX OPTIMA Meeting. Paris, 11-17 May 1998

Edited by Pietro Mazzola, Jaques Moret, Francesco M. Raimondo

Albert & al.: Environmental range of narrow endemic Erodium

Aubaile Sallanave: Les cucurbitacées en Méditerranée

Barberis & al.: Cerastium lacaitae et C. scaranii

Barbero & al.: Signification biogéographique et biodiversité

Bazos & Yannitsaros: Plants from aquatic habitats

Bencivenga & Venturella: Knowledge of the genus Tuber

Benmansour & Harche-Kaid: Etude caryologique de Lygeum spartum

Berendsohn & Guntsch: Resource Identification for BioCASE

Bergmeier: Seasonal pools in the vegetation

Bonet & al.: La connaissance ethnobotanique des Pyrénées

Bornkamm: Allochthonous ecosystems

Brullo & al.: Allium brachyspathum, new species

Brullo & al.: Considerations on the fumarole bryoflora

Brullo & al.: Notes on Adenocarpus

Brullo & al.: Salix ionica, new

Brullo & Guarino: Festuca humifusa, new species

Brullo & Guglielmo: Phytogéographie en N Cyrénaique

Chiarucci & De Dominicis: Serpentine flora of Tuscany

Christodoulakis & al.: Records to the flora of Aegean islands

Culmsee: The Zygophyllum waterlotii-vegetation complex in Mauritania

De Roman & de Miguel: The ectomycorrhizae of Quercus ilex

Draper & al.: Infraspecific categories of Arum italicum

Ederra-Indurain & al.: The taxa of Navarra

Escala & al.: La myrmécochorie en Méditerranée

Gabrielian: Gladiolus in S Transcaucasia

Galan de Mera & Vicente Orellana: Biogeography of humid forests

Gamisans: Connaissances sur la flore de la Corse

Geissler: Mediterranean bryophytes

Greuter: Diversity of the island floras

Grube & Nimis: The Med-checklist of Mediterranean lichens

Hagedorn: Making DELTA Accessible

Jauffret & al.: La diversité des peuplements de bryophyte

Jeanmonod & al.: Conservation de la diversité végétale

Kypriotakis & Tzanoudakis: The Greek insular flora

Lack: Lilac and horse-chestnut

Lara & Mazimpaka: Diversité et originalité du genre Orthotrichum

Le Floc’h: Biodiversité et gestion pastorale

Lombini & al.: The ecology of ophiolitic scree vegetation

Machon & al.: Arenaria grandiflora

Marco & al.: Artichoke, Cynara scolymus

Marin & Tatic: Serpentine soil and plant diversity

Martinez-Abaigar & al.: The botanical work of I. Zubia

Mouchacca: Biodiversité fongiques du Moyen - Orient

Nazarova: Chromosomal polymorphism in Crepis

Nersesian: Karyosystematic of Muscari and Bellevalia

Nicoletti: Studies on species of Solanaceae

Peccenini & Siljak-Yakovlev: Cytotaxonomie du genre Erysimum

Petit & al.: Phylogeny of the Cardueae

Petkovic & al.: Effect of substrate on Verbascum phoeniceum

Riba & al.: Diagnostic de Centaurea corymbosa

Rossi & Santamaria: Laboulbeniales in Mediterranean

Sahuquillo & al.: Ex situ conservation of species extinct in nature

Schicchi & al.: Quercus hybrids in Sicily

Sérgio & Draper: Bryophyte survey

Simon & al.: CROMOCAT: Chromosome Database

Sobrino Vesperinas: Interfertility and siliqua morphology in Coincya

Surtory: Two new hybrids of Verbascum

Tan & Vladimirov: Swertia punctata

Tauleigne Gomes & al.: Données sur la végétotion halophile

Thompson & al.: Ecology and evolution of Cyclamen

Torrell & al.: Etude cytogénétique d’Artemisia campestris

Torres & al.: Pollination ecology of Antirrhinum microphyllum

Troìa & Bellini: Karyological observations on Isoetes duriei

Valdés & al.: Nutlet production and germination in Thymus albicans

Vasic & Diklic: Review of flora and vegetation on serpentinites

Veljic & al.: Bryoflora of some wellsprings

Verger & al.: Le massif serpentinique de Bettu

Verlaque & Aboucaya: Delphinium sect. Staphisagria dans la tribu Delphinieae

Viegi & Pacini: Statistical analysis of Apuan flora

Xena de Enrech & al.: Un essai sur la tribu des Valerianeae

Zedda & Sipman: Lichens and lichenicolous fungi on

Zervakis: Mycodiversity in Greece

Copyright © by Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo