Registration at Tribunale di Palermo

no. 27 of 12 July 1991

ISSN 1120-4052 (Print)

ISSN 2240-4538 (Online)


Copyright © by Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo

Flora Mediterranea 3


Edited on behalf of the International Foundation pro Herbario Mediterraneo

by Francesco M. Raimondo & Werner Greuter

Editorial board

F. Garbari (Pisa), W. Greuter (Berlin), S. L. Jury (Reading), P. Mazzola (Palermo), S. Pignatti (Roma), F.M. Raimondo (Palermo), B. Valdés (Sevilla).

Referees committee

P. V. Arrigoni (Firenze), H. Bischler (Paris), H. M. Burdet (Genève), C. D. K. Cook (Zurich), C. Cortini-Pedrotti (Camerino), R. Courtecuisse (Lille), V. Demoulin (Liège), R. Dull (Duisburg), F. Ehrendorfer (Wien), M. Erben (München), C. Gòmez-Campo (Madrid), C. C. Heyn (Jerusalem), V. H. Heywood (Reading), P. Kupfer (Neuchâtel), J. Mathez (Montpellier), H. Meusel (Halle), G. Moggi (Firenze), E. Nardi (Firenze), P. L. Nimis (Trieste), D. Phitos (Patras), J. Poelt (Graz), L. Poldini (Trieste), S. Snogerup (Lund), A. Strid (Copenhagen), V. N. Tikhomirov (Moskva), T. Wraber (Ljubljana), B. Zimmer (Berlin)

Editorial staff

Editor: F. M. Raimondo

Associate editor: W. Greuter

Editorial assistance: G. Venturella

Editorial secretariat: E. Winnitzki

Design: N. Surano

Printed by S.T.ASS., Via Maggiore Toselli, 21 - Palermo

July, 1993



Arnold, N. & Bellomaria, B.: Observations morpho-anatomiques et histochimiques dans les Salvia willeana (Holmboe) Hedge et Salvia fruticosa Mill. de Chypre

Bonafede, F., Ferrari, C. & Vigarani, A.: Cyrtomium falcatum, new to the Italian flora

Brullo, S., Scelsi, F. & Siracusa, G.: Genista demarcoi, a new species from Sicily

Chrtek, J. & Slavik, B.: Contribution to the flora of Cyprus. 2.

Codogno, M. & Puntillo, D.: The lichen family Pannariaceae in Calabria (S Italy)

Constantinidis, T. A. & Yannitsaros, A.: Centranthus macrosiphon (Valerianaceae) naturalized in Greece

Demiriz, H.: Baki Kasapligil (1918-1992)

Garbari, F.: Giovanni Giorgio Lorenzoni (1938-1992)

Guglielmo, A.: Taxonomic notes on Scorzonera serrulata, a misappreciated species of the Libyan flora

Kamari, G., Felber, F. & Garbari, F. (eds.): Mediterranean chromosome number reports III

Kuzmanov, B.: Chromosome numbers of bulgarian angiosperms: An introduction to a chromosome atlas of the Bulgarian flora

Lucchese, F.: Campanula reatina, a new species restricted to some cliffs in the Sabina area (Lazio, central Italy)

Mathez, J.: Maria Angels Cardona Florit (1940-1991)

Mulas, B, Pasqualetti, M. & Rambelli, A.: Influence of the substratum on the morphology of Endophragmiella boewei and Beltrania rhombica

Nardi, E.: Systematic revision of the Aristolochia auricularia group (Aristolochiaceae)

Phitos, D. & Constantinidis, T.: A new species of Centaurea sect. Phalolepis from Greece

Phitos, D. & Greuter, W.: Saponaria jagelii, a new species from the island of Elafonis (Peloponnisos, Greece)

Raimondo, F. M.: Limonium optimae, a new species from central Sicily

Snogerup, S. & Snogerup, B.: Additions to the flora of Samos, Greece

Tzanoudaikis, D. & Kypriotakis, Z.: Allium platakisii, a new species of the Greek insular flora

Venturella, G. & Padovan, F.: Agaricus pilatianus, a new record for the Sicilian mycoflora

Vogt, R. & Oberprieler, C.: Chromosome numbers of North African phanerogams. I.

Wraber, T.: Vinko Strgar (1928-1992)