Registration at Tribunale di Palermo

no. 27 of 12 July 1991

ISSN 1120-4052 (Print)

ISSN 2240-4538 (Online)


Copyright © by Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo

Flora Mediterranea 6


Edited on behalf of the International Foundation pro Herbario Mediterraneo

by Francesco M. Raimondo & Werner Greuter

Editorial board

F. Garbari (Pisa), W. Greuter (Berlin), S. L. Jury (Reading), P. Mazzola (Palermo), S. Pignatti (Roma), F.M. Raimondo (Palermo), B. Valdés (Sevilla).

Referees committee

P. V. Arrigoni (Firenze), H. Bischler (Paris), H. M. Burdet (Genève), C. D. K. Cook (Zurich), C. Cortini-Pedrotti (Camerino), R. Courtecuisse (Lille), V. Demoulin (Liège), R. Dull (Duisburg), F. Ehrendorfer (Wien), M. Erben (München), G. Giaccone (Catania) C. Gòmez-Campo (Madrid), C. C. Heyn (Jerusalem), V. H. Heywood (Reading), P. Kupfer (Neuchâtel), J. Mathez (Montpellier), H. Meusel (Halle), G. Moggi (Firenze), E. Nardi (Firenze), P. L. Nimis (Trieste), D. Phitos (Patras), J. Poelt (Graz), L. Poldini (Trieste), S. Snogerup (Lund), A. Strid (Copenhagen), V. N. Tikhomirov (Moskva), T. Wraber (Ljubljana), B. Zimmer (Berlin)

Editorial staff

Editor: F. M. Raimondo

Associate editor: W. Greuter

Editorial assistance: G. Venturella

Editorial secretariat: R. Orlando

Design: N. Surano

Printed by Luxograph, Piazza Bartolomeo da Messina 2/e - Palermo

December, 1996



Acedo, C. & Llamas, F.: Bromus lepidus and Bromus pseudothominii, two new records for the Iberian Peninsula

Bernicchia, A.: A contribution to the study of Sardinian Aphyllophorales

Bocchieri, E. & Mulas, B. : Phytogeographic studies in the Sinis peninsula (C. W. Sardinia Capo S. Marco

Boðcaiu, M., Marhold, K. & Ehrendorfer, F.: Karyological and nomenclatural notes on de Cerastium banaticum group (Caryophyllaceae)

Burton, R. M.: Two new flowering plant species for the flora of Crete

Colasante, M.: Taxonomic note on some Italian Bearded Irises: Iris relicta Colas. nom. nov. and Iris bicapitata Colas. sp. nov.

De la Torre, A, Vicedo, M. & Alonso, M. A.: On the identity of Thymus x martinezii Pau ex Martðnez (Lamiaceae), an endemic hybrid of the southeastern Iberian Peninsula

El-Karemy, Z. A. R. & Hosni, H. A.: Systematic revision of Leguminosae in Egypt 2. Lathyrus L.

Giardina G.: Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.) Stapf. new to Europe

Kamari, G., Felber, F. & Garbari, F. (ed.): Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 6

Lo Giudice, R. : On the Bryum bicolor complex in Italy including Bryum gemmilucens Wilcz. & Dem., new species to the Italian bryological flora

Lo Giudice, R. : The first record of Bryum tenuisetum Limpr. (Bryaceae) for Italy and southern Europe

Marcel S. & Petit, P. : Le genre Onopordum (Compositae, Cardueae) au Maroc et l'utilisation de Winmaroc

Marin, P. D, Duletic, S. & Petkovic, B.: Nutlet ornamentation in selected Salvia L. species (Lamiaceae)

Mateo, G. & Pisco, J. M. : On a new Thymus hybrid detected in C. Spain

Monti, G. & Ansaldi, M .: Cartographie de quelques macromycetes de la province de Pisa

Mossa, L., Bacchetta, G., Angiolino, C. & Ballero, M. : A contribution to the floristic knowledge of the Monti del Sulcis: Monte Arcosu (S. W. Sardinia)

Poli Marchese, E.: New records for the Sicilian dendroflora

Privitera, M. & Puglisi M.:Additions to the moss flora of S. Italy

Puntillo, D. : A new species of Centaurea sect. Phalolepis from Calabria (S. Italy)

Raimondo, F. M.: Potamogeton gramineus and P. angustifolius, new to the Sicilian flora

Recchia, F. & Villa, S. : A first contribution to the lichen flora of Abruzzi (C. Italy)

Staccioli, G., Menchi, G., Matteoli, U., Seraglia, R. & Traldi, P. : Chemotaxonomic observations on some pliocenic woods from Arno Basin and fossil forest of Dunarobba (Italy)

Zucconi, L., Mulas, B. Berti, C. & Ripa, C. : Litter soil mycoflora from an abandoned mining area in W. Sardinia, Italy