Registration at Tribunale di Palermo

no. 27 of 12 July 1991

ISSN 1120-4052 (Print)

ISSN 2240-4538 (Online)


Copyright © by Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo

Flora Mediterranea 15


Aleffi: New Check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Italy

Aleffi & Esposito: The Bryoflora of Castel Volturno Nature Reserve (S-ltaly) as indicator of environmental factors of disturbante

Aytac & Duman: The Steppic flora of high Mounts Ahir, Okstiz and Binhoga (Kahramanmaras - Kayseri. Tuerkey)

Badalyan & al.: On the presence of truffles in Armenia

Barinova & al.: Fresh and hrackish water algae new for Israel lound in Nahal Qishon (N.lsrael)

Barreno & Pérez-Ortega: The UNESCO-MAB Reserve of Muniellos (Spaia, Asturias), an example of high Lichen di N. ersity in Europe and the sueeess of conservation strategies

Ciccarone & al.: An annotated list of macrofungi from Gargano areas (S-Italy)

Cipollaro & Colacino: Bryoflora of the beeeh-silver tir coenosis of Mount Motola (National Park of Cilento & Vallo di Diano) - Teggiano (Salerno, S-Italy)

De Nova & al.: Immunological and genomical analysis of Trebouxoid phycosymhionts isolated from Ramalina farinacea reveals the possible presence of the plastid Ndh complex in lichen algae

Di Pietro & al.: Sesleria autumnalis (Gramineae) a new addition to the flora of Greece

Dia M. & Hallingback: Seligeria acutifolia (Seligeriaceae) new to Sicily

Dimitrova. E. G. & Barai: Checklist of Bulgarian Helotiaceae (Ascomicetes

Dimitrova, D. & al.: Leontodon saxatilis (Asteraceae) a new species for the Bulgarian flora

Domina G.: Typification of the name Kleinia mandraliscae Tineo (Asteraceae)

Domina & Colombo: Seed micromorphology and its variation in Sicilian Orobanche (Magnoliopsida)

EI Alaoui-Faris: Etude comparative de quelques espèces marocaines rattachées au genre Carum (Apiaceae)

EI Naggar: Seed coat micro-seulpturing andthe systematic of the Egyptian Brassicaceae (Magnoliopsida)

Halici & al.: Lichens of Erciyes Mountain (Kayseri, Turkey)

Kamari & al. (eds): Mediterranean chromosome number reports —15

Kokmotos & Georgiadis: The flora of Mountains Elikon, Xerovouni and Neraidolakkoma (Boeotia, Sterea Ellas, Greece)

Lo Giudice & al.: Seligeria pusilla (Seligeriaceae) and Babula trifaria var. desertorum (Pottiaceae) new mosses to Sicily

Maroulis & Artelari: A floristic report troni Mount Erimanthos (NW-Peloponnisos, Greece)

Marques & al.: Narcissus x perezlarae (Amaryllidaceae) new taxon for the Portuguesen Flora

Ozuslo & al.: The Investigation of the flora of Sof Mountain (Gaziantep, Turkey)

Romagnoli & Foggi: Vascular Flora of the upper Sestaione Valley (NW-Tuscany, Italy)

Sgarbi & Del Prete: Histo-anatomical observations on some Orchis species (Orchidaceae) from the eastern Mediterranean

Sheded & Turki.: Analysis of plants communities resulting from change of land-use in the natural hahitats in Egypt

Stoyanov, K.: Floristic materials and criticai notes on the genus Orobanche subgen. Phelipanche in Bulgaria

Stoyanov, S.: The vascular flora of the catchment basin of the river Roussenski Lom in the beginning of the 21st century

Tomovic & al.: The vascular flora of Mountain Sokolovica in Central Serbia (Serbia and Montenegro)

Tosheva: Lathyrus fìliformis (Fabaceae) a new species for the Bulgarian flora

Turki. Z. A. & EI Shayeh, F. M.: Floristic and Ecological Studies of the Western Mediterranean coastal land in Egypt (Wadi Um Rakham)


Edited on behalf of the International Foundation pro Herbario Mediterraneo

by Francesco M. Raimondo & Werner Greuter

Editorial board

F. Garbari (Pisa), W. Greuter (Berlin), S. L. Jury (Reading), P. Mazzola (Palermo), S. Pignatti (Roma), F.M. Raimondo (Palermo), B. Valdés (Sevilla).

Referees committee

P. V. Arrigoni (Firenze), H. M. Burdet (Genève), A. Carapezza (Palermo), C. D. K. Cook (Zurich), C. Cortini Pedrotti (Camerino), R. Courtecuisse (Lille), V. Demoulin (Liège), R. Dull (Duisburg), F. Ehrendorfer (Wien), M. Erben (München), G. Giaccone (Catania), V. H. Heywood (Reading), P. Kupfer (Neuchâtel), J. Mathez (Montpellier), G. Moggi (Firenze), E. Nardi (Firenze), P. L. Nimis (Trieste), J.A.R. Paiva (Coimbra), D. Phitos (Patras), L. Poldini (Trieste), R.M. Ros Espìn (Murcia), S. Snogerup (Lund), A. Strid (Copenhagen), T. Wraber (Ljubljana), B. Zimmer (Berlin)

Editorial staff

Editor: F. M. Raimondo

Associate editor: W. Greuter

Editorial assistance: G. Domina

Editorial secretariat: T. Raimondo Sapienza & G. Aquila

Technical editing: G. Bazan & T. Raimondo Sapienza

Design: G. Bazan & N. Surano

Printed by Luxograph, Piazza Bartolomeo da Messina 2/e - Palermo

August, 2005